Thursday 19 June 2014

Animal activities: to do or not do, that´s the question

I wasn´t sure whether to go on an elephant ride or not. I love activities with animals, every time I have done any I feel happy and even empowered by the contact with their wildness, purity and majesty. But it should never part of an activity that implies that those animals are deprived from their freedom, teared apart from their families, working in our crazy system, being profitable for their owners.

I did an elephant trekking, but it was one of those with seats on the animal, and a very organized path. I loved the experience of being in touch with elephants, but hated the fact that they were using seats, which seemed really uncomfortable for the elephants, and that they had such an organized life. That is definitely anti-natural and something I do not want to be a part of.

After some research I found a reservoir that rescued injured wild elephants and cured them, and at least they claimed, that with the money they charge from visitors they kept them and rescued more. The ride was different this time, no seats, and you would go at their bathing time, and the route of the trekking was their way to the river and waterfall, you would bathe them and then go back to the camp. It seemed more respectful, and I thought maybe this time I would not have the bittersweet feeling after, so I decided to try it out.

The trek was beautiful, very natural, nothing between you and the elephant, the bathing time together amazing... But the bitter-sweetness was there anyways. My elephant didn´t seem to want to go for a bath at that particular moment, and even though it seemed like the people there were very nice and really cared for their animals, when the trek finished, the elephants were tied on their foot.

On one side I love the experience, it makes you humble to be in contact with elephants or tigers, or other animals, and at the same time it´s bonding time with nature which is so poor in our daily lives. But we must be very careful which places we choose and support, respecting animal life and not encouraging the use (or abuse) of animals as a profitable activity. 

The trek, my elephant was tired...

Bathing time, really beautiful

After, the elephant tied

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